Celebrate Your Birthday at The Collective Indoor Skatepark
If you're looking for a unique and fun space to have your next birthday party, come and celebrate with us at The Collective Indoor Skatepark!
Through our party venue booking program, you would be able to book a space with us for few hours or even book the entire park for your own personal use!
With an air-conditioned indoor space and a giant Foam Pit, The Collective Indoor Skatepark and School offers an ideal space for parties where guests will get to learn how to skateboard, play skate games, and have an incredible time!
With all the necessary equipment provided, we are is set to provide organized programs and your kids' birthday can include skate lessons, skate games, playtime in the foam pit, and plenty of fun!
To find out more, please contact us at:
admin@unitedskates.com.sg or call +65 9489 0946